Great things happen in libraries

Great things happen in libraries
Great things happen in libraries...

Friday, September 2, 2011


Let’s start this blog off with what every good idea should either begin with or ultimately end in...
a dream.

Rage by Richard Bachman (a.k.a. Stephen King)

This book is exceptionally hard to get your hands on, trust me I’ve looked.
 Then again everything has a price and for the right price you can get everything.
 For about $350.00 you can purchase this book used. 
Such a high price for a bound bit of paper, don’t you think?

Rage follows the life of Charlie, an unexceptional High School Student whose life takes a major turn when he is unexpectedly expelled from school. This then sends him spiraling into a fit of (no pun intended) rage, where he begins shooting various teachers and takes his entire Algebra 2 classroom hostage. He then successfully manages to turn the students of the classroom against each other in psychological, brainwashed, animalistic feuds, all the while keeping the police and media at bay with brutal threats and mind games. 

Stephen King chose to take the book out of print sometime after the 1997 Heath High School shooting in Kentucky. 
Due to certain similarities the book has been believed by some to have inspired several school shootings since its publication. Of course, it doesn’t help that copies of the book were found in possession of the students who were responsible for such events. 

Imagine, a dangerous book…and for once it’s not the Bible. 

Maybe that’s why this book seems so intriguing to me, because it’s the one book that shouldn’t be read. Or at least, it shouldn’t be read…by the wrong people.


  1. Whoo! I'm your first follower! :) So you should be mine too lol. I found you, randomly actually, on the help forum. And surprisingly enough I have a review blog too; it's still... "under maintenance" but it'll be up soon.
    By the way, I'm lovin' on the pictures you've got posted here. :)

  2. Thank you! Whoa that is lucky, I'd love to check it out once it's back and running :)

  3. Ok first review up this morning :) booyah. and yet, what I wouldn't give for a Saturday of actually DOING something... sigh

  4. So true, although this does seem to help relieve the pressure in my head. Sometimes it seems like there's too much going on up there and then sometimes it seems like there's just nothing hahaha.
